Charity does not diminish wealth Muhammad Alshareef narrates an interesting account of charity Sheikh Sa’eed Bin Musfir witnessed in Makkah I WAS walking out of the Haram (the Ka’bah in Makkah) when I saw a man begging from everyone that passed by him. Just then a man who had parked his tinted Mercedes excessively close…
Category: Society
Islamic sexual morality
Islamic sexual morality The “S” word. We all look around when we hear it. We even feel kind of guilty when we have to read or learn about it in school. I actually feel very weird and rebellious for even writing about this, to be honest with you. But why is that? Why is it…
Charity does not diminish wealth
Charity does not diminish wealth Muhammad Alshareef narrates an interesting account of charity Sheikh Sa’eed Bin Musfir witnessed in Makkah I WAS walking out of the Haram (the Ka’bah in Makkah) when I saw a man begging from everyone that passed by him. Just then a man who had parked his tinted Mercedes excessively close…
Hijab is linked to positive body image in women
Hijab is linked to positive body image in women Though to Western women, Muslim women in the Mid-East and Asia seem oppressed because they have no choice in wearing a hijab, the Islamic head- and body-cover common in Muslim culture, studies have shown that Muslim women have a more positive body image. Psychologists using a…
10 ways to keep young Muslim women connected to the faith & community
10 ways to keep young Muslim women connected to the faith & community Samana Siddiqui Current societal trends, helps us offer explanations that will insha Allah bring them closer to the faith, not drive them away from it. “My daughters refuse to come to the Masjid anymore,” a sister recently told…
Why You Need More Muslim Friends?
Why You Need More Muslim Friends? –by Jon Huckins As ISIS fills the headlines, Islamphobia spreads like the common cold and sound bites trump human interaction, there is no more important time to build friendships with our Muslim neighbors. 5 reasons we need to form true (not agenda driven) friendships with people of other faiths….
Secularism: The beauty of India
Secularism: The beauty of India Khaled Almaeena [ The people of Chennai have set an example for the rest of India to follow. Let India embrace their ideals.] The rains that poured across Tamil Nadu and especially in Chennai brought unprecedented hardship to the city. However, as the skies opened up, the deluge caused another…
What is Different from Kerala Muslim Other than Other Indian State Muslim?
What is Different from Kerala Muslim Other than Other Indian State Muslim? What is Different from Kerala Muslim POLITICAL PARTIES Other than Other Indian State Muslim POLITICAL PARTIES? What is Different from Kerala Muslim LEADERS Other than Other Indian State Muslim LEADERS? When I am Preparing IAS Exam in 2006 in VANDALOOR Cresent IAS Academy,…
Real standards of beauty
Real standards of beauty Beautiful women making the front page of magazines and newspapers splashed with airbrushed models and celebrities. Not to mention, TV and social media platforms buzzing with news of how flawlessly beautiful this celebrity is and how amazingly tanned that celebrity isஸ Well, this is an everyday happening and people have become…
Moscow Muslims ask separate beaches for men and women
Muslims ask Moscow authorities for separate beaches for men and women The suggestion of the Muslim community to organize separate beaches for men and women has been supported by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, Jewish and Buddhist religions. The request to the Moscow City Hall has been prepared and filed by Albir Krganov who…